Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Blog Design!

So I finally took the leap – I purchased my domain, bought hosting, and redesigned my blog.

Welcome to the new and improved 2ndhand Knowledge! I’m super excited for the change, and I hope all my followers enjoy it as much as I do.

I still have a bit of work to do before the transformation is complete. There are a few design kinks I need to work out and some content I still need to transfer. I’ll leave my old site,, up until this new one is completely ready and all my followers have had ample time to make the change in their RSS reader of choice.

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Two Ways to Stay Informed

Hello again! I just randomly had a thought and figured I’d mention it. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the “Follow Along” options on the side of the screen and at the bottom of every post. There are probably a few of you that don’t use any of those readers (I used to just bookmark blogs and check them daily). If you are one of those people, you can easily follow along by following Your Stuff & Kids’ Stuff on Facebook or Twitter, as I always tweet and post about new blog posts in those two places. Twitter is @yourstuffkids and this is the Facebook page.

Hope you’re all having a great week!




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And then the unexpected happens…

Guess what dear followers… My ole reliable MacBook Pro gave up on me. Rather than paying to have a new logic board installed, I’m just investing in an iMac – something I’ve been wanting to do for a while and just haven’t been willing to invest in.

So I had outfit pictures for today, but they’re on my unusable computer. So until I have this situation worked out, no post. In the mean time, check out the links up top there above my header – about, my favorite blogs, my Pinterest, etc. Also check out archives or those spotlight posts over on the right. Hopefully I’ll be back by the end of the week.

Have a good Thursday!

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Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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Sorry for my complete lack of posting lately! I’ve been super busy and stressed with school, and unfortunately the blog is what gets sacrificed in those times… (and a few classes, ehem, but you don’t need to know that). I’ve also had a cough-y, sinus-y cold thing the past few days, which makes me feel like not doing anything. I’ll try to post at least a couple times this week. If not, I’m on break next week so I will try my hardest to squeeze it in amongst all of the eating and paper writing and paper writing and paper writing…somewhere.

Maybe I should just do blog posts instead of wasting time watch Toby Turner Youtube vlogs. hmmmm.

Here’s what I wore sunday :) Nothing special. Just tree-climbing attire.

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Hi all. Sorry I haven’t posted the past few days. WordPress is being buggy right now, so as soon as it’s better, I’ll post. I’ll post again tomorrow, too, to make up for my absence.

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  • Hey! I'm Maggie, a graphic designer, crafter, devoted secondhand shopper, Doctor Who fanatic, and dog-lover. Stick around and explore!

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