image via Samantha Stapley
I looked out the window and discovered it was raining, so I’m switching it up – weekend links today and outfit tomorrow.
Download some lovely free Valentines wallpapers for your computer here and here.
Elsie at A Beautiful Mess shared her flea market shopping tips, but they’re great for any sort of thrift shopping, really.
Give this cute, super easy to make origami Valentines Day decoration a try.
These DIY necklaces are adorable!
Macro photos of butterfly wings. Amazing!
Real Simple Magazine offers 10 ideas to make-over some of your old clothing.
How has your week been so far? Fantastic I hope! As for mine, it’s been pretty good. I got a couple of inquiries about about some new freelance design projects, which is great timing because I ‘m finishing up a few and in need of some more. I also recently applied for a job in the Pacific NW (I really only want to be a freelancer on the side, at least at this point in my life). I really (really really) want the job and I think it’s a great fit for me, so I’ve been on the edge of my seat all week hoping for a phone call or email. I love my mom and dad and am thankful that they’re letting me live at home with dinner prepared for me every night and a low monthly rent as I work on figuring out my future, but I’m really ready to…go.
ANYWAY, have a fantastic Thursday evening/Friday, and I’ll see you tomorrow evening with an outfit (unless it rains all day again, in which case I’ll aim for Saturday).
One Comment
LOVE those DIY necklaces!